Do you feel like nothing is going your way and you’re paddling against waves? When everything seems to go out of control and you’re down on your knees discouraged and helpless, your body collapses in exhaustion. 

Life is full of surprises and even ups and downs. At times, you feel like setbacks are lurking in every corner of the street, or worst, chasing after you. Facing a disappointment goes beyond the mind as it consumes every ounce of energy in your body. 

Search no further as we find ways on how to deal with disappointment.

How do you overcome disappointments? A hard pill to swallow but disappointments are already a part of our lives. Why? Because we can’t control everything that’s around us which results in unmet expectations or failures. 

It doesn’t come less for people who are already successful. The only difference is how they manage these setbacks when they come their way.

Overcoming difficulties is not easy as rinsing off the soap suds in the shower. People face these challenges differently. Some go through it for weeks or even months. 

However, one thing is for sure. There’s a way out of it. Here are ways on overcoming disappointments:

1. Feel Your Feelings

When faced with disappointments, it’s okay to be sad, to cry, or even get angry. Hiding your feelings wouldn’t do you any good. Bottled emotions are like a ticking something ready to explode anytime. 

Instead, cry if you want, punch the pillows in your bed or shout till you lose your voice at the top of the mountain. Feel the feelings but don’t dwell on it. 

2. Your NOs are not Rejections but Redirection

Disappointments are rooted in unmet expectations and goals. These cause you to falter and feel inadequate, undermining your previous triumphs and successes. 

A shift of mindset will give you a fresh perspective on things. Every disappointment is teaching you a lesson. Open your eyes and learn from the experience.

3. Remember Big Why

Your goals and big why always to keep you to stay strong. Disappointment, discouragement and hopelessness will not take you if you are more strong and persistent.

Every day commit yourself to see your big picture of your life and goals you want to accomplish. Revisit your why, when, how it helps to motivate you to take action.

4. Don’t Be Defined By Your Mistakes

Understand that your past does not define you. Whether you felt betrayed or you disappointed someone, do not let these hurts consume you. 

Don’t label yourself as a failure. Use these experiences to review and recalculate your journey and unveil new opportunities along the way. 

Each failure or mistake is a stepping stone towards the best version of you. 

5. Forgive Yourself and Others

Disappointments can put strains in relationships when one wronged the other. To move forward, regardless if you choose to stay or leave, learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness. 

It doesn’t make you less of a person when you make the first move. It makes you a bigger person. Let go of the constraints and free yourself from the bondage of guilt and hatred.

6. Ignore the Critics

Feedback and criticism needed to achieve something big in life. Don’t get hurt by getting more critics from others when you feel disappointed.

Move for yourself to things that matter to you. Avoid people criticizing for each and everything. Take only feedback and improve whenever possible.

7. Call and Connect with Friends

Often it’s hard to make sense of things on your own. Clouded with anger, suspicion, and low self-worth, emotions get the better of your rationale. 

Friends serve as your anchor and sometimes, lifesaver, from a sinking boat. Find someone you can trust, someone who will not judge you whatever you’re going through. 

8. Be Hopeful

Disappoints can make life crazy and it will hold forever. Develop a good mindset and be hopeful every day to be better in life.

Sometimes life can be hard to find happiness and joy. Hope can make your life easy and gives good directions where you want to reach. Be kind to yourself and don’t disappoint yourself.

Everyone can find a solution to the problems.

9. Help Someone

Most of the time, the best way to get out of your slump is by giving yourself to others. 

The lesser you think of yourself, the easier it is to see that you are still in a better place or situation compared to others. 

This experience will make you more compassionate for others and even to yourself.

10. Reset and Start Over

Every day is a fresh day and can make little difference in yourself or with others. Don’t sit and hang up a long period with disappointments. It is your time to reset and start over again to move forward.

Don’t live in the past and live for the present and future and take disappointment as feedback. Find out what drives every day in your life.

11. Be Grateful

One of the best ways to shift your energy and perspective is to start counting your blessings. Having an attitude of gratitude will help you highlight your successes over failures. 

Best to keep a journal of things you are thankful for to divert your attention to looking at the good in every situation.

12. Set Yourself for Success

In dealing with disappointments, the most crucial point is getting over these feelings. As you learn to shift your mindset to see the good in every situation, take the courage to take that step towards a new goal.

Armed with the “know how,” right perspective and attitude, nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams. Every heartache and failures are but stepping stones to the life you dream. 

13. Take Next Action

More disappointments sure, if you sit and wait for the perfect movement. Take disappointment as feedback and learn a lesson. What is your next action you want to take to avoid future disappointments?

Every day small actions need to improve life. Find which are those actions that motivate and help to see the results. Without action don’t expect any positive outcome.

Watch the butterflies. Wings did not grow from worms overnight. They had to go through a process of metamorphosis, wiggling themselves out of the cocoon. It was hard and laborious work. And it takes time. 

Disappointments are your cocoons to hone the best version of you so you can spread your wings, fly and conquer the world.

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