Perfectionists are people that set their standards so high that they end up becoming unrealistic and mean to themselves.

As a perfectionist, you find yourself trying so hard to please other people, and whatever you do is never good enough. This is the desire to get noticed and appreciated.

This behavior can cause a lot of stress and burnout. You sometimes find yourself depressed and with low self-esteem. Sometimes when things turn as you expected, you get overjoyed and want things to remain that way.

Whether good or bad, this behavior is not pleasant, and you need to learn how to overcome perfectionism.

Here are ten tips that can help you out.

1. Invest in Yourself First

Perfectionists are more obsessed about getting noticed and appreciated that they forget about their own happiness. Maybe you could be doing it out of a good heart.

You might be one of the good guys that will sleep hungry to ensure your neighbor has food. What about yourself? Don’t deprive yourself of trying to please others. Always think about yourself and ensure your happiness comes first.

2. Take Some Time Off

Working hard to get the top position or get noticed by the management is not bad. However, is this depriving you of some personal time? If yes, then it is time to get away from all of it and re-energize.

Being too exhausted will not help here. You need to be strong both psychologically and emotionally. Your body and mind need the time to relax.

3. Understand Other Peoples’ Standards 

Not everyone is capable of doing what you are good at. Note that human beings are not born the same. Everyone is born with their own abilities and inabilities.

Being that you are perfect in some ways does not mean that other people must be perfect as well.

Don’t hold anyone to your standards. Everybody has their perspective on doing things.

4. Learn to do the Right Thing

Don’t get influenced by other people. Being able to decide for yourself what’s right and wrong boosts your self-esteem. You’re not doing anything out of influence or feel like you’re being watched.

Being yourself helps you overcome both perfectionism and anxiety. You’re not trying to please anyone, and you can walk with your head high because you’re not guilty of anything.

5. Be Realistic With Your Expectations

Set more realistic goals that you can achieve without straining. If you become unrealistic with your goals, you will get it rough because you’ll be struggling to achieve the impossible.

Don’t pretend that you are the invincible, yet deep down, you are so dejected. Realistic goals will help you adjust easily whenever the need arises.

6. Don’t Multitask If You Cannot

Don’t work as if you are a robot. Don’t involve yourself on so many things at a go. Let it flow by doing one thing at a time since this can increase your efficiency.

If you multitask, you will be disrupting your mind. You’ll find yourself wasting the energy you could have used in doing one task to perfection.

7. Set Your Time Frame

One way of learning how to stop being a perfectionist is managing your time. Ensure that every task you are doing is corresponding with the time you have set.

Time plays an essential part in the day to day activities, and that is why the wise did say that everything has its own time. Don’t waste all of it on a single task.

8. Set Your Boundaries

Don’t be over-ambitious to the extent that you cannot let go of some opportunities that come your way. It’s never a crime to say no to even those groundbreaking opportunities.

Having limits is healthy and will help you reduce unnecessary pressure. Ensure you do it without hurting your passion.

9. Dispute Negative Thoughts

There is always that inner voice that tends to suggest some unpleasant things. Don’t succumb to those thoughts is you want to get rid of that perfectionism behavior.

Make use of that motivational voice instead, and make healthy decisions in the process. Believe in yourself, and you’ll always find the courage to turn down the negativity.

 10. Don’t Confine Yourself

You become too much of a perfectionist and self-conscious if you don’t explore. If you’re always trapped in your little world, you’ll never know what’s happening out there.

Get out of that comfort zone and find out what other people are doing out there. Don’t be afraid to try out new adventures.

If you waste all your life being perfect and pleasing others, you will end up in a mental hospital in your old age. You don’t want that, right? It is time to change that lifestyle and try a more fulfilling experience.

Whether it’s your career, or your relationship, getting out of that perfectionism skin is what you need to enjoy what you’re doing. 

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