Have you ever been on the receiving end of a genuine token of appreciation? How did it make you feel? Knowing how to show appreciation is a simple yet powerful action that touches the core of our humanity. As American philosopher William James said, “The deepest principle in human nature is the craving to be appreciated.” 

Why Showing Appreciation Matters

Truly appreciating others is something that we should do regularly. Every one of us wants to feel like we matter and also desperately wants to be seen. Beyond that, here’s why knowing how to appreciate someone is important.

Showing gratitude towards someone fosters positivity, trust, kindness, and generosity. Also, appreciation not only makes the receiver feel good, but it also has a positive impact on the giver. 

How to Show Appreciation

Knowing how to appreciate someone does not have to be complicated or difficult. However, it is not uncommon to feel awkward and uncomfortable. Whether it’s a friend, family member, someone in the office, or even a stranger, here are some simple ideas to inspire you.

1. Say “Please” and “Thank You”

When it comes to figuring out how to appreciate someone, saying “please” and” thank you” is as simple as it gets. Apart from being a sign of proper manners, these two words show that you recognize and acknowledge the effort another person has put forth. Also, saying “please” and ” thank you” shows kindness and respect. 

2. Send a Handwritten Note

Although you can send a token of appreciation via text or email, modern forms of communication can often feel cold and impersonal. Handwritten notes tend to be more personal and special as they take time and effort to put together. 

3. Give a Gift

Gifts are a fantastic way to show appreciation or gratitude. One of the most valuable gifts you can give as a token of appreciation is the gift of time. Giving the gift of time can help people make more time to do the things they want to do. Some examples include a professional home or yard cleaning service or food delivery.

4. Do Something Special for Someone for No Reason at All

You don’t need to wait for a special occasion or reason to show appreciation. What’s more, people who receive unexpected gifts tend to find them especially valuable. Unexpected tokens of appreciation can be as simple as a cup of coffee, flowers, or gift cards. If you have a close relationship with the person, you may surprise them with something you know that they would love to receive.

5. Pay Them a Compliment

A compliment is a powerful way to appreciate someone. As author Mark Twain once said, “I can live two months on one good compliment.” The best compliments are heartfelt, genuine, and specific. To make a compliment extra special, consider using different words for appreciation. For example, instead of saying ”thank you for telling me that,” you could say “I value and respect your opinion. 

6. Throw Them a Surprise Party

A surprise party is a heart-warming way to show appreciation. Throwing a party for someone allows you to celebrate them. It also allows you to surround them with people who love them. Before you start planning though, be sure your guest of honor would want a surprise party.

7. Return the Favour

Another easy way to express gratitude is to return the favour. If someone did something kind for you, also do them a solid. For example, if it was a colleague at work, you could offer to help them with whatever they are working on. 

8. Pay It Forward

Sometimes it’s not possible to return the favour. Either the person is not available, or does not want anything in return. When that happens, instead of breaking the gratitude circle, pay it forward. For example, if somebody pays your toll, pay for the person behind you.

9. Clean Up After Yourself

If you use any kind of shared space, cleaning up after yourself is a simple way to show appreciation. Just like saying “please” and” thank you,” cleaning up after yourself also shows kindness and respect.

10. Leave a Tip and a Note

Most people know to leave a tip when they visit a restaurant or hotel. In addition to leaving a great tip, you can take your token of thanks a step further with kind words. You can refer to a specific thing that happened or just express your general appreciation.

11. Give Your Undivided Attention

We are living in the age of distraction, so much so that, attention has become a rare resource. Giving your undivided attention is not only refreshing but, can also be used to show appreciation.

12. Celebrate Milestones

When you’re stuck on how to appreciate someone, celebrating important events in their life is a good place to start. It could be a graduation, engagement, wedding, or job promotion. Milestones represent personal growth which is a basic human need. Celebrating someone’s milestones is, therefore, a thoughtful way to show how much you appreciate them.

13. Recognize Their Efforts

It might take a lot of time and effort to achieve a major milestone. Recognizing a person’s efforts as they work towards their goals is also a good way to show someone appreciation. So, if you know somebody is working towards a goal, cheer them on and celebrate their small wins.

14. Help Those They Love

Helping a friend of a friend is another way you can show appreciation. Everyone has someone who they care for. Knowing that they have friends who also care for the people in their life is particularly endearing. 


Knowing how to appreciate someone in your life not only brings them happiness but also makes you much happier. However, you choose to show appreciation, be it gifts or words of appreciation, always be genuine. Fake appreciation is selfish as it is only for your benefit. 

 Also, give gratitude freely, without expectation of getting anything in return. As author Jon Bunyan said, “You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.”

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