Before 1954, running a mile in under four minutes was unheard of. On May 6, 1954, Roger Bannister, a middle-distance athlete, run a mile in three minutes 59.4 seconds. Most people know that success takes practice and patience. What many don’t realize, that it also needs a healthy dose of self-confidence. Here’s what you need to know about how to build self-confidence.

What is Self-Confidence 

Self-confidence is an unwavering belief in ones in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgement. Although many people think that self-confidence is a state of being, it’s actually a state of mind. From the outside looking it’s easy to confuse self-confidence and arrogance. Although both traits have some overlapping qualities, the two are not the same. 

Arrogance is a belief in your superiority above and beyond all others. On the other hand, self-assured people, do not require others to be less than for them to shine. Arrogance is It’s an exaggerated and dishonest feeling. Experts say that arrogance is often insecurity in disguise. When you’re self-confident, you know you’re sincere and humble about your strengths and weaknesses. 

12 Tips on How to Build Self-Confidence

Contrary to general belief, self- confidence is not a trait you get at birth. Like a muscle, it is a skill you build. As David Schwartz once said; “All confidence is acquired, developed. No one is born with confidence. Those people you know who radiate confidence, who have conquered worry, have acquired their confidence, every bit of it.”

Here are self-confidence building tips and confidence-building exercises you can use to feel more self-assured.  

1. Believe in Yourself

Motivational speaker and writer Denis Waitley said, “It’s not what you are that holds you back, it’s what you think you are not.” Confidence is a state of mind, not a state of being. So, the first step to knowing how to build self-confidence is to believe in yourself.

2. Learn Something New

Learning a new small skill can vastly improve how you feel about yourself. As you pick up new abilities, you’ll start to recognise that you’re capable of much more than you might have thought. That knowledge is sure to give you a major confidence boost.

3. Stop Comparing Yourself to Everyone Else

Comparison is not only the thief of joy as former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt once said. It’s also a sure-fire way to dent your self-confidence. Focusing on your strengths is one self-confidence building practice than can help you break the comparison habit. Others include counting your blessings and learning how to be OK with your imperfections. Most importantly. remember that the success of others does not mean that you are a failure. 

4. Learn to Do Things Afraid

Fear is one of the main reasons why most people struggle to believe in themselves. Fear is part of life. You don’t need to eliminate it, you just need to learn how to use it. Acting in spite of fear is one confidence-building exercise that can help keep fear from breaking you down. As philanthropist W. Clement Stone said, “Thinking will not overcome fear, but action will.” 

5. Silence Your Inner Critic

Your inner voice wants to protect you from the shame of failure. However, it does that by attacking and undermining your confidence. Therefore, to build your self-confidence you need to silence your inner critic. When that judgemental voice gets loud, replace it with the voice of encouragement, self-compassion, and possibility. 

6. Embrace Failure as Part of Growth

Failure — even the thought of failing — creates fear. Fear, as we’ve mentioned is one of the greatest causes of low self-confidence. Changing how you see defeat or disappointment can boost your sense of self. So, instead of running away from failure, learn to embrace it as part of growth. Knowing there’s always a lesson you can learn when things don’t work out is a great confidence-building practice.

7. Surround Yourself With People Who Support You

The people you surround yourself with can have a strong impact on how you feel about yourself. You want to be around positive people who believe in your dreams and encourage your ideas and ambitions. People who feel good about themselves are also great to be around. They are confident in who they are an ae unlikely to spend time putting you down. 

8. Make Peace With the Past

Memories of old mistakes can haunt you and sabotage your self-confidence. Accept the past and make peace with it. Remind yourself that what happened does not define your entire life story. Learn from what happened and give yourself permission to move on. As Walt Disney, an American entrepreneur and animator said, “The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it.” 

9. Don’t Go After Perfection

Chasing perfection is a sure way to set yourself up for failure and subsequently, low self-confidence. Success has less to do with perfection and more to do with completion and growth. So, instead of perfection, pursue progress. Progress allows for growth and frees you from the fear of mistakes. 

10. Practice Self-Care

Self-care is essential in building self-confidence. Life can get stressful from time to time. When you’re stressed out, it’s tough to feel confident. A self-care ritual can help get back to feeling good about yourself. You could escape with a book, go see a movie, take a walk, soak in the tub, or even have a dance session. Whatever you choose, just make sure it’s something you love to do, and that helps you destress.

11. Be True to Yourself

What is is a fate more terrible than dying? According to the French heroine St. Joan of Arc, it is “sacrifice what you are and to live without belief.” Living an authentic life is crucial for building self-confidence. It’s tough to believe in yourself when you’re living a fake life. So, figure out who you want to be and live in honor of that person. You’ll be happier, which is a key ingredient when it comes to feeling self-assured.  

12. Be Your Own Hype Person

Everyone goes through down periods from time to time. When that happens, it’s important to know how to be your own cheerleader. Knowing how to be your own hype person helps keeps low periods brief. It also allows you to keep the momentum going when challenges seem great. Repeating a mantra or playing your favourite songs are some ways you can hype yourself up. 


Confidence is essential to success in all areas of your life. Knowing how to build self-confidence is, therefore, an essential skill. So, if ever find yourself struggling to believe in your abilities, 

Use the above confidence-building exercises to get back on track. 

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