When we achieve something, we feel really happy and fulfilled. However, that is not always the case. There are times when we get tired too. Especially in this time of crisis and pandemic, we may feel stagnant because we have to get used to a new lifestyle and somehow we have stopped going through our usual routine, and anxious about what’s going to happen next.

Our plans for our lives may have been put on pause or even totally canceled and for that we find it hard to be at peace. We then find ourselves asking how to find peace of mind. To do that, you must be at peace with yourself and be happy with yourself and who you are.

Remember that you are in a crisis and that none of what is happening is your fault. Now, how to find happiness within yourself? Here are seven (7) ways how to do that:

 #1: Accept That You Are Human and That You Sometimes Make Mistakes

There are times that even when we plan so many things and even we think we got every detail right, things still crumble into pieces right before our very eyes. Nobody is perfect.

You are allowed to make mistakes. Do not condemn yourself for them. It’s okay even if things don’t go according to your plan because that’s how life should be.

If things always go as you expected and as you want them to be, wouldn’t that just be boring? Mistakes help you grow. They help you learn and they shape you to be better.

 #2: Learn to Love Your Flaws

Again, nobody is perfect. Sometimes we get criticized for who we are and what we have or what we are not and what we don’t have. Don’t let other people’s opinions get to you.

Do not have a low opinion of yourself because you are a magnificent human being and only you can do what you can. Only you can add up what your presence brings to the world.

Your flaws exist to make you more interesting. You are beautiful because of who you are and your flaws and not in spite of them.

 #3: Give Yourself Time to Heal and to Rest

There are times when you feel like you’re not yourself because you’re not doing enough. Maybe you are having a bad day. There are 365 days in a year and even if today is “not your day,” for sure, in those 365, more days will be yours for the taking.

When you feel tired, do not force yourself. Allow yourself to heal from the things that hurt you and let yourself rest. You too, even as magnificent as you are, need to rest.

 #4: Pursue What Makes You Happy

Sometimes, our dreams may seem scary or too risky. But sometimes, you have to leap of faith to pursue them.

Are you willing to stay still and risk not being happy for the rest of your life because of the opportunities you let yourself miss? Is that better than going for what brings you happiness?

 #5: Surround Yourself with People Who Help You Grow

There are times when it’s not us, but the people around us. Their thoughts and their energy get to us and affect how we feel about the world and ourselves.

It’s okay to walk away from toxic people if they do more damage to you than help. Even if you love them so much, sometimes you have to let go and prioritize yourself first.

 #6: Fall in Love with Your Surroundings

Immerse yourself in your surrounding and let yourself fall in love. It does not necessarily have to be with a person. It can be with a pet, with your garden, with your job, a new hobby like cooking, anything at all. Perhaps you stopped seeing the world for how it truly is.

Let yourself be connected with your environment and with other people. And soon you’ll find yourself at peace. Learn to forgive yourself and other people as well. Let go of things that are unhealthy and fly.

#7: Allow Yourself to Dream

It’s never too late to start dreaming again. It can be a small dream such as learning how to paint or it can be a big dream such as pursuing a different career.

Dreaming helps us look forward to the future in which we realize that there’s more to life than what we’ve already seen. And dreaming could help you grow too. Even as adults, there should still be enough room for growth because wisdom is cumulative.

We never stop growing, and we never stop learning unless we hinder ourselves. And that is when we become stagnant.

 Nobody’s perfect. It’s okay to make mistakes sometimes. What matters is that you pick yourself up after the fall and try again. It’s also okay to not be okay sometimes.

Just remember that you have to keep going. Rest for a little while and allow yourself to recover but get back on track again. Remind yourself of your goals and work hard to accomplish your objectives to achieve that goal.

And at the end of the day, remember that you are loved. Care for yourself and love yourself too.

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