If you want to get more email subscribers to your email listing you need to choose the right method to capture them, but if you are trying a different kind of methods to get more leads to your list at times it may disappoint you. Here I would like to share with you why people go away from Email listing.

Giving way eBooks, white papers, free webinar, and free course helps to get subscribers. Even though you do a lot still why people are unsubscribing to list.

  • How to handle unsubscribes this kind of big questions in your mind?

Getting subscribers is the first priority for any business. Why getting more subscribers to the list more hard these days. So many reasons which you need to address else your competitor will get your subscribers. Often people tend to feel mails are unnecessary in nature and irrelevant too.

You have to provide great value through content to your subscribers. They have not subscribed to your list to get only the promotional content. They are expecting great content which solves their real problems.

Great content only attracts more leads and sales for any kind of business.

  • Ask yourself are you providing great content?
  • Ask yourself why are not getting more subscribers?
  • Why are you getting more unsubscribes?

Here 5 reasons why most people want to leave your list don’t want to receive any contents from your side.

As a business, you should know value only stands.

1. Your Content Lacks Purpose

New subscribers to your newsletter means them expecting to get great content. Are you sending good content to your subscribers at times if not they will go into the unsubscribe list.

You are getting the subscriber through different promotion methods like content marketing, ads, email marketing, word of mouth and social media marketing, etc.

Once you a subscriber enter to your list,you should treat them well with good information with value-packed content.

  • Are you doing that ask these questions?

Every time before sending the newsletter you should think you are sending to humans. You are not sending for machines to read it and it must carry great demand.

2. Your Sending Too Many Newsletter or Less

You are subscriber from other newsletters how frustrating getting too many newsletters. The same thing applies to your subscribers also. Even sending less newsletter to your subscribers will have a bad effect on you.

Don’t send too much content or less send the weekly 1-2 newsletter and 1 promotion if it is a great value.

Too many newsletters also people get distracted.

Every email you are sending should not lack the quality and purpose. Every newsletter should be valuable. Every time subscriber has to wait to see your newsletter and such way it should enthuse the reader.

Ask yourself how valuable your newsletter before hitting the send button?

3. Your Newsletter Not Better Than Others

Your newsletters has lack value in the content then people usually look for better content. If competitors sending a value content then people will folk for the same. If you are going to have great content then why people won’t stay in your newsletter they will never unsubscribe it.

Your newsletter content should be better than others. It should be better and helpful to your subscribers. First, understand your audience needs to serve according to that.

First and foremost do self-research why more people unsubscribe to your list?

Track every week and which kind of content performs best, which content needs to improvement in the presentation. It takes some time to understand your subscriber’s requirements.

4. Your Newsletter Reaching Wrong Subscribers

People subscribe to your list to get one piece of content, eBooks or whitepaper or more,then they will enter in your list. They are not interested in further content.

They don’t want to receive your newsletter, you must understand their needs,and they are not the regular readers which you don’t have to worry.

Always keep track of what is the percentage of people increasing or decreasing in your list. Always clear inactive subscribers and keep it a good list.

Not every subscriber to going to stay long enough if it is not the right content for them.

Right subscribers only the worth for your effort.

5. Your Newsletter Too Much Sales and Promotion

The real purpose of having subscribers is to provide value and sell something to them. That doesn’t mean you have to start promoting right from the beginning.

First, you have to provide valuable content and then expect any sales and revenue.

Too many sales and promotions, nobody is going to like it. Even if you subscribe to other people list how it will feel it. Never promote too many products or services.

Promote product which is worthy enough for the subscribers.

Don’t start sending too many promotions or sales from day one. Send 3 value-based content and 1 promotion good enough to start with. Track your list change frequency how they responding write accordingly.

6. You Newsletter Inconsistent

Once subscriber wants to receive a newsletter from your side. You should have a plan and strategies when you are going to send.

If they are planning to launch product or service they will start sending the mail. By the time you will forget which website you subscribed.

Always keep in touch with readers, weekly once or monthly twice, so that people will know where these newsletters are coming from. Send every week valuable content which costs more time, energy and money.

Every subscriber is a great asset for your business to generate good sales and revenue without a good relationship with subscribers, it will not work. So have more subscribers to you mail and keep them in continuous update.

Did you know that some people are saying email marketing is dead? Those who say they have not well planned their newsletter. So you need to plan your newsletter and the attractive content.


Email marketing always works and it is not over, it is the right kind of approach you have to put. Email marketing would be longer possibilities in the days to come.

  • How well you are going to use that is what matters a lot?

Right kind of subscribers and adding values you generate good revenue from the list.Always don’t target only for sales and revenue. Help your readers with solving their problem through the newsletter.

Never worry about unsubscribes which is very common in the business. Any kind of business will have will go through this process.  You should track and measure what is percentage of people are getting out from your list. Keep improving it to see the big results.

Email marketing doesn’t expect sales and revenue from the beginning it will take a little more time. More than 8 touch points required to get the product to sell.

  • Do you purchase the product from others from the first touch point?

No same thing goes to your subscriber too, any product that you introduce they will never buy from the very first point, they will compare and find out price outside and the quality of the product and they buy.

Adding more value more patience understanding audience needs can be successful email marketing. So never underestimate your audience and try to value them as best.

You’re more worried about unsubscribes? Share your thoughts by commenting below.

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