I’m sure we all have been in one of those situations where we ask ourselves “what am I going to do with all these weaknesses?”. And then, later on that day, you said to yourself “well, get rid of them and I better put my strengths back in charge now!”.

Because we all have been there one day or another, and we all know how we feel when we are dealing with those feelings and emotions altogether. But not everything is lost.

Here we have some clues that will guide us through the million-dollar question, how to identify our weaknesses and replace them with our strengths.

The Importance of Identifying Weakness

It’s important to try and identify our weaknesses day after day, considering this is the only way we’ll carry out our goals. We also need to accept how we feel. This is the only way to gain progress so we can move forward.

Knowing Your Weakness

If we get to know our weaknesses, we will have a better understanding of ourselves and how we function on a daily basis. We will also have the opportunity to work on them, try to solve the problems that are holding us back and find a way to get out and leave them behind.

What are Common Weaknesses?

We all have weaknesses but some seem to be more common than others. Some examples may sound familiar, such as delegating tasks, spontaneity, taking risks, being honest or lack of confidence. Also:

I. Letting Things Go 

Sometimes we’re so concerned about things that happened in the past that we cannot let them go. But we need to remember that we’re living in the present and nothing else matters than living the moment here and now.

II. Saying “NO” 

I know it could be stressful sometimes to say “no” out loud but, in order to reach happiness, we need to keep doing what it’s best for us. If you don’t want to do something the other person will have to respect your decision.

III. Asking for Help 

If you need help, ask for it. It doesn’t make you weaker or anything like it. We’re all capable of things but we all need help from time to time.

Why is it Important to Improve Weakness?

It’s important to try and improve ourselves every now and then. Only by improving we will achieve those goals and purposes. It’s like many other things in life, if you don’t improve them they are dead and gone forever.

How to identify your own weaknesses

By identifying your own weaknesses you will be able to work on them, move forward and build up a much stronger you achieving anything you set your mind to. You’ll be able to learn about the whole process, learn about yourself and grow.

Try to Ask Yourself Questions, What Am I Good At?

And the answer probably will be a million things! Let’s have a look at some examples:

1. Being Patient 

And that’s not an easy one. Probably you are good at tolerating problems, respecting other people and you don’t become annoyed or anxious easily.

2. Good Listener 

This strength is the kind that will come to you naturally and no doubt your friends and family mention it all the time.

3. Being Organised 

This means you love having everything under control and prefer order versus chaos. You are always good at preparations and arrangements.

4. Being Good with People 

And this is like having a superpower. Perhaps if your job is customer-related you’ve worked so much on this strength that now it comes to you naturally.

Best Tips to Overcome Your Weaknesses

Here are some tips that will help you overcome your weaknesses trough time:

1. Accept and Ask Yourself: What are My Weaknesses? 

This is the first and main point. Accept your feelings, identify your weaknesses and deal with them from the beginning step by step so you can positively look into the future.

2. Get Some Help You Trust 

You can always count on those who want the best for you. If you feel lonely don’t hesitate and ask for help. Family, friends, professionals. Doesn’t matter, they will be there for you whenever you need them to.

3. Always be Prepared

Self-improvement is a complicated road with many ups and downs but you need to make sure you are ready for it. Never be afraid of change, on the contrary, always prepared to carry on with your life so you can be as happy as possible.

4. Delegate the Skill You Lack 

You cannot be good at everything in life. Some people could reach those skills you lack easier than you but could be the other way around too, you could be extremely good in those they lack. If you’re not good at this, you’ll probably be good at that.

5. Set a Goal and Reward Yourself

Try to find what really matters to you in life and aim for a destination. That’s already a big step, so reward yourself after accomplishing every single act that will lead you to it. Everything counts.

6. Remember Your Strengths 

Knowing your strengths is as important as knowing your weaknesses since both matter. Believing in yourself is essential. Only you and your strengths together could overcome any aspect of life.

7. Don’t Forget Compliments

I’m sure you hear them all the time from family and friends but immediately forget about them. Please don’t ignore them because they’ll help you find out what your superpowers are. Never underestimate them!

Now you have the answer to the question How to find my weaknesses? so every day try and ask yourself. And remember, you are always good at something.

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