What is holding you back from living the life you deserve? Could it be that you live in a state of disorganization? Success in anything is never an accident. As Aristotle pointed out, excellence is the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution.

Chaos or disorganization makes intelligent execution tough to achieve. So, to reach your goals, you first need to know how to organize your life.

Knowing how to organize yourself and the frenzy of daily life can be a challenge. In this article, we give you 25 amazing tips that show you how to get organized.

1. Start Each Day With a To-Do List

If you want to know how to get organized, use a to-do list. A to-do list helps break down your day into small, manageable pieces. Manageability plays a key role in how to organize your day and your life.

2. Use a Checklist

A to-do list tells you what to do. A checklist, however, tells you what to do when. Use a checklist to help you complete activities that need to be done in a particular order.

3. Write Everything Down

Sometimes the reason why we are disorganized is that we forgot to do something. Writing everything down means you don’t have to worry that something important gets forgotten. It is also a great way to free up your mind.

4. Put Things Back in Their Place

One of the simplest things you can do when learning how to organize your life is to put things back. Not only will it be easy to find things later, but you’ll also avoid building a messy environment.

5. Have a Place for Everything

To put things back in their place, you need to have a proper spot for everything. So, give every item in your house a certain place where it “lives.”

6. Get Comfortable Saying “NO”

People who know how to get organized set limits for what they take on. Get comfortable saying no so you have time to focus on the things that matter most to you.

7. Do One Thing at a Time

Our brain is amazing, but it can only focus on a few things at a time. When you try to multitask, individual tasks usually take longer. Also, you don’t do them as well as you could have. So, if you want to know how to get organized, don’t multi-task.

8. Declutter Often

Despite our best intentions, clutter can creep in and take over our lives. It’s easy to get overwhelmed if you try and tackle the whole mess at one time. So, set aside time each week to declutter. 

9. Own Less Stuff

The less you own, the less you have to clean and put away.

10. Delegate

Delegating frees up your time and allows you to focus your energy where it’s needed. So, if you want to know how to organize yourself, learn to let go and accept help.

11. Don’t Procrastinate

The more you procrastinate, the less time you have to do other important work.

12. Have a Morning Ritual

An effective morning routine can help keep you organized throughout the ay. The only thing that’s required is time.

13. Have an Evening Ritual

It takes energy to stay organized. The more quality sleep you can get, the more energy you’ll have. How you end your day has a significant impact on the quality of your sleep.

14. Work With Deadlines

Working with deadlines can help you learn how to how to organize yourself more efficiently. As Parkinson’s Law says, work expands to fill the time allotted.

15. Use a Schedule

Research shows that scheduling when and where you’ll do something increases the chances that the task will get done.

16. Schedule Things According to Your Energy Levels

Many of us are better at doing certain tasks at certain times. So, create your schedule for the day with that in mind. That way you’ll know how to organize your life to ensure all that needs doing gets done.

17. Chose Simple Organization Solutions

Knowing how to organize yourself is about creating systems that work for you. Systems that are simple to use are easier to stick to than complicated ones. 

18. Have a Sorting Zone

A great way to learn how to get organized is to have a sorting zone. A sorting zone helps to ensure that the only thing that comes into your house is what you need. The less you bring in to your house, the less you have to organize.  

19. File, Don’t Pile

When you sort through paperwork, file what you want to keep, don’t create a pile. Every so often, go through the files to keep them current and useful.

20. Focus on What’s Important, Not Just What’s Urgent

To know how to organize yourself you need to ensure the important task gets done, not just the urgent ones, Otherwise, at the end of the day, you’ll have met your most pressing deadlines but not accomplished anything that’s fundamentally important.

21. Spend Less Time on Unimportant Tasks

Unimportant tasks can eat into your time and steal your focus. The most effective way to tackle them when learning how to organize yourself is to set a time limit.

22. Clean Up Your Desk at the End of Each Day

Allows you to start the next day with a clean and organized workspace.

23. Never Rely on a Single Point of Failure

Never underestimate the power of having a backup. A failure in one area of your life can bleed over into another and cause immense chaos. For example, if you have an important early morning meeting, use both an alarm clock and your phone.

24. Limit Your Choices

Knowing how to organize your life is ultimately about decision making. When you limit your choices you can improve your chances of actually making a decision.

25. Embrace Change

Routines can become obsolete or less efficient with time. Embrace change so you know how to organize your life better.


Chances are high that we all have areas in life that need to get more organized. You can learn how to be organized every single day using the above tips. To make your efforts stick, though don’t try all the tips at once. Try a few at a time as consistency beats intensity.

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