It’s not unusual to feel alone from time to time. However, it can become a problem if the feeling persists, and according to experts, it has for many. Over 60% of Americans suffer from loneliness says Cigna, a global health insurer. In the UK, a study by The Co-op and the British Red Cross shows that over 9 million people are always or often lonely. Here’s what you need to know about how to overcome loneliness.

First, let’s define what loneliness is, and look at the difference between loneliness and isolation.

What is Loneliness

Loneliness is the absence of social connections and emotional bonds. A persistent feeling of being alone can increase your risk for various health issues. 

For instance, chronic loneliness increases cortisol, the body’s primary stress hormone. Depression, anxiety, and cardiovascular disease are some effects of high levels of stress. 

People often use the terms isolation and loneliness interchangeably. However, the two are not the same thing. 

What is the Difference Between Loneliness and Isolation

According to psychologists, loneliness is an emotional state. Think of it as feeling like you’re alone, even though you have people in your life. You may also be in their physical presence, but still, feel as if you are on your own. 

Isolation, on the other hand, is more objective. It’s when you are physically alone, but don’t feel as if you are. The choice to isolate may be conscious one or brought on by external circumstances like work, illness, or death. Isolation could, however, lead to loneliness. 

12 Tips on How to Overcome Loneliness

Are you struggling with loneliness? Here are 12 tips that you can use to feel less lonely. 

1. Acknowledge How You Feel

As with many things in life, you can’t improve an issue you are unwilling to face. So, the first tip to overcoming loneliness is to acknowledge that you feel alone. This may be tough to do, but there’s no need to feel ashamed. Remember, as humans, we are wired to need others.

2. Take Care of Your Physical Health

Our body’s physical and mental health are intertwined. Loneliness is a mental condition. As such, taking care of your physical health could help lessen its effects. Taking care of your physical involves regular exercise, healthy eating, and sleep, among other activities. 

3. Practice Positive Affirmations

Renowned best selling author and speaker Wayne Dyer, said, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Loneliness is a subjective feeling that is influenced by how you think. One way to replace negative self-talk is to have a positive affirmation practice. Over time, your mind also becomes stronger, which is essential for keeping feelings of loneliness at bay. 

4. Weed Out the Toxic Relationships 

Toxic relationships can contribute to you feeling alone, unwanted, and empty. So, if you are struggling with loneliness take a moment to review your closest connections. Healthy relationships give more energy than they take, support your growth, and allow you to be yourself. 

5. Nurture Your Support Network

A strong support network is essential for getting through lonely moments in your life. However, strong relationships do not happen by accident. You need to invest in them so that they grow and flourish. So, make your closest relationships a top priority and nurture them so they are there when you need them. 

6. Put Yourself Out There

Meaningful relationships help people feel less alone. To build strong bonds though, you’ll need to put yourself out there. You’re also going to need to allow yourself to be vulnerable so people can get to know you. As Joseph F Newton sai, “People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.” 

7. Adopt a Pet

Quality, steady companionship is one way to tackle feeling alone. Studies show that pets can provide that type of relationship. You’re also more likely to engage in healthy activities like walking when you have a pet. Remember, companion animals require care and attention. So, only get one if you’re in a position to provide for them.

8. Learn to Enjoy Your Own Company

Solitude can do the body a world of good. For instance, it can boost your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states. You’re better able to overcome loneliness when you feel great on the inside and outside. So, take some time to be by yourself. Do things you love so that being alone is something you look forward to.

9. Join a Club

Social connections are key to combating loneliness. Bonding over common interests is a great way to build social connections. As British writer C.S. Lewis said, “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too?   

10. Be Careful How You Use Social Media 

Negative social media experiences can heighten loneliness. To avoid falling victim, researchers suggest learning how to use the tools more intentionally. For example, you could have media-free days or limit much time you spend surfing. You may also choose not to follow accounts that make you feel lonely or unwanted. 

11. Be Mindful of Your Thoughts

Loneliness is an emotional state more than a fact or reality. It’s been said that how you feel comes from your thoughts. Being mindful of how you think could, therefore, help you become more resilient to loneliness. Mindfulness meditation, a mental training practice, is a great way to improve your thinking.

12. Seek Professional Help 

Profound and persistent loneliness could be a sign of a deeper issue. Certified mental health professionals could help you cope and deal with any underlying issues. Remember chronic loneliness can affect your emotional, mental, and physical health. So, the sooner you can address the issue the better. 


Loneliness does not discriminate. Anyone at any time can find themselves struggling with that gut-wrenching feeling. If you know how to overcome loneliness, though those unpleasant feelings don’t have to wreck your life. 

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