Blogging is one of the best marketing methods to generate much traffic and get more leads to your business.

Do you know most businesses are planning to invest huge sum in content marketing? Why it is the best marketing method is that it produces great results. The most common blogging mistakes you can see among the bloggers are responsible for why most bloggers are not getting results.

Truly, blogging is now very common, but if you have good content(s), you will surely get good results for both personal and business blogging.

Are you willing to give more priorities to blogging, to grow your business or your personal brand? You need to have a good plan to execute it successfully.

You need to do lots of work like idea generation, keyword research, come up with captivating headline(s). You need to create attractive graphics, proofreading, editing, and promotion plan.

You should have good content, content distribution lead capturing strategy.

Most times, you do not have a well-documented plan. Lack of well-detailed plan of execution will lead to blogging failure.

Lack of focus,motivation, day today distraction, will not allow you to produce great content and it will make it hard for you to stand out in the crowd.

Millions of blog posts are published online every day. Launching of new blog is common nowadays. How are you going to differentiate yourself from others, how you are going to get visitors for your blog?

If you do not have a good execution plans or steps, blogging space will be hard for you.

You need to produce useful, helpful and action driving content to get great results. Producing great content needs more time, energy, and money to be successful as a blogger.

Are you patient enough?

In a very competitive market place, your content should have more depth and be actionable.

Are you producing high-quality content? Ask yourself, is it a worthy content for the audience to spend their time to read your blog post. If it is yes, then fine, else you have to do a lot of thinking.

Still, you can succeed by learning and applying new ideas and strategies.

Therefore, here are the 11 common blogging mistakes you should avoid and you should fix.

1. Don’t Have Clear Content Plan

Publishing great content, you need to have plans to create clear contents. Tracking your plan helps to speed up your content publishing process.

Write down your target audience, content type, content ideas, content publishing time, etc.

You need to set up an editorial calendar, which helps to produce content per time. It will be easy to change whenever it is required, whether it is content type or time scheduling etc.

A well-documented content plan is necessary,if you do not have to make a simple one.

2. Inconsistency in Publishing Content

Once you start publishing content, you should publish keep it up without any delay. Most content publisher, post their content inconsistently. If you keep this up, you will lose readers, traffic and sales.

Choose which publishing time that is convenient for you, whether it is three times in a week,twice in a week, once in a week or once monthly.

Producing quality content with high frequency will enable to generate more traffic and leads. You can outsource content creation, if you have money. Else, stick to your schedule of producing great content once in a week.

3. Missing Out the Email Subscribers

The purpose of Blogging is to get subscribers and traffic. Most people are missing out of the benefit of adding subscriber box on their website. Do not ever miss it, place subscribe box whichever position suitable.

Start collecting email subscribers from the launching of your blog. Do not miss even a single subscribers, which must be a number one focus.

Once you get the subscribers, you need to give great value by producing great content(s). Do not start promoting products or services from the beginning. You need to understand your audience needs.

Getting subscribers to your list is most important, which you should not miss.

4. Publishing Poor Quality Content

Producing great content takes time, energy, and money. You should not publish content that is not useful, helpful, and actionable.

Great quality content only produces great results for your marketing efforts. Publishing content does not guarantee it will not work as you expect.

Publish unique content yourself or outsource content creation to freelance writer or agency.

5. Not Focusing On Your Audience

At the content creation planning stage, you will find out who is your ideal target audience. Focus on your reader’s interests, because if you publish random content you will not get results.

Focus on your target audience, what kind of content they need to read. Give attention to how they react to your content format, style, etc. In the beginning, people might not love it. There is a chance for valuable content.

Giving great content and getting readers is not your priority if you do this you will miss most of the opportunity.

6. Too Much Self Promotion

Are you adding values to your audience? Are you promoting only your products or services? Too much self-promotion distracts your readers. They will not listen to what you want to share.

Yes, you have to promote your products; it does not mean you are always in promoting everything.

Firstly, add values and share your knowledge or information, which solve reader’s queries. Help them to find solutions through your content(s). Get feedback and promote products which is beneficial to them. Never promote product(s), which is not of any advantage to your readers.

Limit self-promotion and provide great content.

7. Lack of Good Content Promotion

Content creation is only 20%, distributing content and re-promoting it are the most important things to do. Nobody can see your content if you do not promote it through social media and other distribution platforms.

Producing great content is not enough; you should spend much more time to promote the content. Most bloggers are missing this opportunity. Share your content as much as possible.

More competition in blogging, but no other option you have to promote it. Do not sit and wait for people to visit your website, find out which platform they are, and share it.

 8. Write Content for Human Instead of Machine

You need search engine ranking and you need to be in the first page of search engine. Writing content for humans is good instead of machine. Connecting with readers, you need to write for them.

The search engine can’t be avoided and it is of great importance for blogging. Instead of too much focus on search engine,start producing content for humans.

Yes, by 20% you can adjust your content for search engine machine. Your readers are only going to read your content. Write the way your audience like and add value and solve their problems.

Write 80% for human and 20% for search engine machine.

9. Expecting Quick Traffic and Subscribers

Blogging is a marathon, it is long term,and you should not expect short-term success. A blog can take 6 to 12 months to generate revenue. You should focus on your content process and production. How much good content you are able to produce.

Quick traffic and subscribers are not going to happen in blogging space. You need to publish great content. Be more consistent in publishing content.

More patience and hard work can help you to see the blog success. It will yield fruit later in future.Do not expect quick money, set a long-term goal in your blogging journey.

10. Covering Too Many Topics

At the beginning, write about 1-3 topics. Do not stress yourself by writing on too many topics. You will not able to publish more content covering 5-10 topics. Be specific, what kind of information you need to share.

Once you see the results, you can review the number or type of topics. Start sharing what you can share right now. Later you can produce more content by outsourcing your content.

Too many topics not related to your blog, will confuse the readers. The audience will not return if you publish a random topic. Be specific with what exactly you want publishing.

11. Not Writing for Right Audience

Setting out to knowing your audience will make you produce great content. If you are not sure of who will read your content then you won’t make any point. You should know the kind of audience you are writing to.

Posting random content will not attract the right kind of reader for your blog. This is one of the mistakes to avoid. It is not easy to attract the right audience at the early stage but it is achievable in the long run.

You need to analyze what kind of audience you are getting every month, what kind of content consumed. It makes it easy to connect with the right audience and makes it possible to produce the right content.

Do not write for all, you cannot write for everybody.


Blogging is one of the most creative ways to share information. You can make a mistake later fix it. One of the advantages you have in blogging. Everyone makes mistakes. If you keep making the same error, blogging is going to be tough.

Blogging mistakes can be fixed; you need to learn what mistakes you made by tracking and measuring.

Poor content will give poor results. Make sure to produce great content with actionable tips. The first priority should be publishing valuable content on your website.

No one is perfect, but you can improve on your mistakes and avoid making the same mistakes.

Blogging is not easy now days, because of too much competition. You need to put much more effort to stand out in the crowd.

Do you have time, energy, and money to invest?

What are the mistakes you make blogging? How did you avoid it? Share your thoughts by commenting below.

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